Friday, 12 June 2015

Elements of Interior Design

An interior designer is an expert who refines design direction by establishing conceptual direction to create a desired appeal for the interiors of a space. To aesthetically decorate the interiors we need to concentrate on some of the principles of the interior design:

v  BALANCE: This refers to the equal distribution of visual weight in a room. This means when our eyes fall on space, they experience a certain flow. There are three ways to create balance – symmetrical balance, asymmetrical balance and radial balance. Interiorhouse paint color
v  FOCAL POINT: Creating an interesting focal point is one of the best things to do to make the interiors exciting. You can create more than one focal points if the space is big and if the idea suits your design, scale, color and theme. In Indian context, a fireplace would be a misfit, however, you can use a painting, an artifact, a family portrait, or even a TV as the focal and you can highlight it by using a dominant shade of your wall paint. 
v  RYDTHM: It refers to visual pattern repetition i.e. how continuous, organized or recurring is the movement of eyes when they fall on the space. This is created by one of the following – repetition, progression, transition and contrast. It is about the journey of our eye as it falls on each element in the interior space.

v  DEATIL: This refers to everything from the minutest elements like the drawer handles and trimmings to the door carving and glass etching and the colors of everything that contributes to design. Easiest way to ensure attractiveness and completeness for this is by following a color scheme for interior house painting, upholstery, wood work, carpets, planters, etc. This will avoid the risk of mismatch or having an out of place element. Colors have a dominant influence on the interiors and hence should be carefully planned before using. Scale and proportion is yet another aspect of detail. The proportion with respect to the size and shape of different elements in the room must be meticulously cared for. Each design element should be proportionate to the rest of the elements.